Published on October 20, 2014 by    ·(TOTAL VIEWS 1,695)      No Comments

Environment is Goal of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation

Led by Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, First Lady of Azerbaijan

Relations between Pakistan and Azerbaijan brotherly and strategic

H.E. Ambassador of Azerbaijan Dashgin Shikarov

Interview by Shumail Javed bhatti


Farozaan: Environmental Magazine monthly Farozaan, Environmental Watch Trust (EWT) and Pakistan Association of Green Agricultural Journalists (PAGAJ) fully acknowledge the Goals of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation led by Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, First Lady of Azerbaijan, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO for Development and implementation of various programs and projects in such fields as science, culture, healthcare, sports, environment, etc, and cooperation and implementation of joint projects with local and foreign foundations, NGO-s and voluntary organizations including Pakistan.


H.E. Ambassador of Azerbaijan Dashgin Shikarov: I appreciate the quality and contents of Environmental Magazine monthly Farozaan and ready to support Environmental Watch Trust (EWT) mission statement and activities. I also acknowledge the importance and key role of Pakistan association of Green Agricultural Journalists (PAGAJ) for promotion and projection of environmental friendly events and activities. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation has been established on the grounds of the nation’s wish to express its esteem for the memory of Heydar Aliyev, who entered our history as a builder of an independent state, and the necessity of reflecting his rich moral heritage, underlining the importance for our country of the philosophy of Azerbaijanis and cultivating the national statehood ideas in our children. Starting its activity since 2004, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation   has been actively participating in building a new society and contributing to the social and economic development of the country, by implementing various projects in spheres such as education, public health, culture, sports, science and technology, environment.


Farozaan: What is the history of Pakistan Azerbaijan friendship?


H.E. Ambassador of Azerbaijan Dashgin Shikarov: The Pak-Azerbaijan friendship was founded by two great leaders of the two countries, Heydar Aliyev and Benazir Bhutto. Pakistan and Azerbaijan are two Muslim brother countries, having profound love and regard for each other. Pakistan after Turkey was the second country to recognize Azerbaijan. Pakistan’s unequivocal support to Azerbaijan over its territorial dispute with neighboring Armenia we will never ever forgot. Azerbaijan also extended its full support to Pakistan over Kashmir, and that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation had also constructed a school in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) that was destroyed in the 2005 earthquake. Heydar Aliyev was asked by the people of Azerbaijan to lead their country at a time in 1993 when it was in war and in great turmoil. Aliyev not only liberated most of the territories occupied by Armenia, but also put Azerbaijan on a path of development that has resulted in an unprecedented economic growth. Heydar Aliyev knew the spirit of Pakistan that is why he reached out to Pakistan and Turkey for friendship after assuming charge. He called relations between Pakistan and Azerbaijan brotherly and strategic. National Bank of Pakistan was the first foreign bank to be allowed to open a branch in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani visa regime is strict for countries worldwide, however, for the citizens of Pakistan and Turkey, the visa policy is open.


Farozaan: What is the scope of Pakistani agricultural and fruits products for export to Azarbaijan?


H.E. Ambassador of Azerbaijan Dashgin Shikarov: Azerbaijan has a huge demand for Pakistani agricultural products especially, Basmati rice and fruits, including mango, dates and others. The two countries also have a potential of joint ventures in pharmaceutical and manufacturing of surgical goods. In the Joint Ministerial Session held in December 2011 that both sides have decided to enhance economic relations at par to the political relations.

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